
Kan tech-giganterne reguleres?
"Kom og diskuter hvorvidt tech-giganter kan reguleres, sammen med 3 juridiske eksperter og professor i filosofi Vincent Hendricks.Det ser ud til at FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix og Google) er […]
CopenhagenJS November
"Schedule1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 Typescript: Mapped & Conditional Types - Pavel Kučera1825 JS Open mic1830 Break - food and drinks1900 Proxy: how to make users of your library love you […]
Why your agile scaling doesn´t work, a talk by Cesario Ramos.
"Cesario Ramos guides large scale agile adoptions and training worldwide. In 2010 he founded AgiliX (agilix.nl), an international network organisation.Cesario wrote numerous papers on agile development and the book ‘EMERGENT […]
Coding the New Internet: a Decentralised and Autonomous Network
"Do you want to learn about or build on the world’s first autonomous network and decentralized internet? Then the SAFE Network: Malmö Meetup is where you want to be.MaidSafe has […]