
Diginauts x Techfugees Copenhagen Hackathon – October 23rd-25th
"Your chance to work with real people to solve real problems.As part of the conference, DIGINAUTS: Border dissidence, digital resistance and the production of irregularized migrants, DIGINAUTS and TechFugees are […]
Opkøb og fusioner
"- Hvordan opnår man succes i opkøb og fusioner – og sikrer værdien for ejerne? 8 ud af 10 opkøb skaber ikke værdi for ejerne og der er en klar […]
Copenhagen Analytics Coffee #2 (Halloween Edition)
"The second analytics and digital marketing morning coffee meetup in Copenhagen." Price: Free Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copenhagen-analytics-coffee-2-halloween-edition-tickets-76757994227
Get to know the Bankia Fintech Program by Innsomnia
"Come by the Info Event and learn more about the Innsomnia, the program and its benefits!Innsomnia, in cooperation with Copenhagen Fintech, is proud to launch this Fintech Program to Danish […]
Tapas Talks with the ITU BUILD Lab: The Importance of Tech in Health Care
"The BUILD Connections Lab and CBS Health are happy to invite students, researchers and partners in the industry to join us on October 24, 2019 at 16-20 for our first […]
How to create a secure bioinformatics web server
"In this workshop, we will look at how to build and publish your own bioinformatics algorithms and tools in a secure way. Currently, most web servers require data to be […]
Copenhagen SEO Meetup
"Let's get together and talk about all things SEO!This is a recurring meetup for anyone who wants to learn from others, share their insights and engage with the local SEO […]
Beers with Peers: Sustainability 4.0
"Join R.E.B.B.L.S. at one of our classic Beers with Peers events. This time we tackle sustainable solutions with the UN SDGs at the core.R.E.B.B.L.S. are thrilled to once again invite […]
Next Generation Democracy Cafe – Overcoming fake news with AI
"One of the central pillars in democracy is a free press that creates high quality news articles which informs the population and hold us all accountable.Over the past few years […]