Growth Hacking Power Session by Growth Tribe at TechBBQ
"Growth Tribe is joining TechBBQ 2019 - the biggest startup & innovation summit in Scandinavia.On September 18th & 19th, we will host 2 Growth Hacking Power Sessions (exact times will […]
Innotalk: Kunstig Intelligens – Danmarks muligheder og udfordringer
"Kunstig Intelligens vil forandre vores virksomheder og velfærdssamfund inden for de kommende år. Det har ikke kun potentiale til at styrke væksten og forbedre den offentlige service, men også fundamentalt ændre […]
Sit back and let AI test your code
"In this presentation we learn how a real world tool called AFL - American Fuzzy Lop - uses genetic algorithm to automatically find test cases to identify security vulnerabilities. During the […]