Spela er till ett tryggare teamwork!
"En matnyttig frukost om hur team kan spela sig till tryggare teamwork!Rätt kompetens och hög ambition räcker inte för att skapa effektivt teamwork. Det avgörande är psykologisk trygghet och att […]
“Blame It on the Robot: Rethinking Liability Rules for Robot Harms”
"Paula Casadesus is a visiting researcher at the CILCC center, and is originally carrying out her research at the University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca (Spain). Her research focuses on the […]
PreSeed Academy #10 Understanding the landscape of early stage funding – CPH
"Understanding the landscape of early stage fundingOne of the most common questions from startup founders is: From where can I get funding to my startup?Startup funding is black box for […]
More Machine Learning at Zendesk
"We're happy to hear from our friends at Zendesk again!Zendesk takes a fresh approach to customer support software by providing a suite of practical, yet sophisticated tools with a modern […]
Lego can be used for innovation,you want learn how?
"Boost your creativity with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®Creativity is a skill which anyone can develop. We all are born to be creative, yet only few people learn to practice it – […]