Biotech Investorkonference Q1 2019
"Deltag i Biotech Investorkonference Q1 2019 som tager sted d. 6. marts 2019! Information om deltagende virksomheder og fulde program følges." Price: F Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/biotech-investorkonference-q1-2019-tickets-51802996156?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Human & Legal Innovation: Developing Your Business – Human & Legal Entrepreneurship
"Welcome to the second spring workshop in our Entrepreneurship-series. In this one we focus on developing your business and how to create a business model but through understanding it's different […]
3D printing workshop
"Hej everybody,Bitlab is hosting the first 3D printing workshop. The workshop will cover a basic introduction to the 3D modelling software ideaMaker (https://www.raise3d.com/pages/download). You will learn how to prepare available […]