Innotalk: Klar til den næste plastrevolution?
"Det globale forbrug af plast er tyvedoblet de seneste 50 år, og det vil stige med 75 pct. frem mod 2030, hvis vi ikke ændrer kurs. I Danmark forbrænder vi […]
The Entrepreneurial Society: How to build it?
"Why don't we start the new year with a big question: How do we build a truly entrepreneurial society?A place where it is not only possible to create great companies. […]
Healthy Aging Meetup, at the Scheibye-Knudsen lab, Center for Healthy Aging, KU
"Many factors influence the healthy lifespan of a person, such as your lifestyle, dietary patterns, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare.Genetics play a role in longevity, too. Certain SNPs* have […]
Healthy Aging Meetup, at the Scheibye-Knudsen lab, Center for Healthy Aging, KU
"Many factors influence the healthy lifespan of a person, such as your lifestyle, dietary patterns, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare.Genetics play a role in longevity, too. Certain SNPs* have […]
Når algoritmer styrer dine sundhedsdata
"Har du tillid til det offentliges brug af dine intimdata? Ved du, hvad der automatisk bliver delt? Og kender du algoritmerne, der skal bane vej for mere hensigtsmæssige patientforløb? Debatmøde […]