HACK4DK 2018
"For 8. år afholdes HACK4DK - denne gang i samarbejde med Dansk Arkitektur Center i det nye Blox.Brug et døgn på at hacke den danske kulturarv sammen med andre kreative […]
NLP Seminar: Prof. Jörg Tiedemann – Natural Language Inference with Multilingual Supervision
"Abstract:Natural Language Inference (NLI) is the task of identifying inferential relationships between a premise p and a given hypothesis. Both, p and h are expressed in natural language, typically as […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 3
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605027/