Code Lunch Malmö: Self-contained Systems: In Practice with Per Ökvist
"How to build a system of systems. How could we avoid a large monolithic system, utilizing a set of smaller systems in collaboration?The idea is to break a large system […]
Når kunstig intelligens møder virkeligheden. Gratis for alle
"Kunstig intelligens (AI) er et buzzword i de fleste danske organisationer, men der er dels forvirring omkring, hvad begrebet egentlig dækker over, og dels ikke konsensus om, hvordan man i […]
Windows containers, Kubernetes in the enterprise
"Dear everyone, We have the date and talks confirmed for the next CloudNativeCPH event. The event will have an enterprise flavor.Come and listen to hands on experiences with Windows containers […]
Stanford GSB: Entrepreneur Needs Discovery (DFW)
"Join the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) for an entrepreneur needs discovery session hosted by Keystones. As the GSB looks at creating new learning experiences for entrepreneurs, they want to hear more […]
Jonas Svensson – Why We Fail On Innovation
"Going from a global macro perspective to a micro view on large organizations and their role in the innovation ecosystemGoing from a global macro perspective to a micro view on […]