Nordic Startup Awards – Grand Finale Day 2018 (two events in one day)
"Event 1 - Daytime: Nordic Startup Awards Exclusive Networking EventBDO will host an exclusive networking event. The Nordic Startup Awards Finalists, Global Startup Awards Alumni Network, high profile investors, founders, […]
Nordic Venture Forum
"On thе 31st of October 2018, the 16th edition of the Nordic Venture Forum (NVF) will take place in Copenhagen at the Scandic Kødbyen.The Nordic region is recognized as the most entrepreneurial region within Europe by […]
Partnerskaber mellem startups og corporates – dos and don’ts
"For en lang række startups er den største markedsbarriere et partnerskab med en etableret corporate – hvad enten det er i den finansielle sektor, i sundhedssektoren eller andre steder.Kom og […]
Fastai deep learning for coders lesson 2
"There will be sodas provided by Danamica (www.danamica.dk).We will watch the lecture and then code/discuss." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Fastai-Deep-Learning-for-Coders-study-group/events/255605016/
Developing a hidden service with Tor Project
"Are you interested in how you can publish information that can resist censorship using Hidden services and the Tor Project? Then press Attend and join the waitlist to show your […]
Hacking Scada & Red Teaming 101 – Smash The Stack
"Hacking SCADA, more commonly known as ICS, is serious business; unlike other areas of offensive security one mistake when testing SCADA systems can cost lives. Mike (@mikeghacks) and Matt (@sekuryti) […]
Celebration of Nakamoto Whitepaper
"This event will celebrate the anniversary of the Satoshi Whitepaper. We will briefly introduce the history of Bitcoin and an in-depth understanding of the underlying technology 'blockchain'. A presentation by […]