Overset “detalje” i offentlige it-løsninger kan spare millioner
"Dårlig kode holder ikke og kan i værste fald føre til it-skandaler, hvor tabene tælles i hundreder af millioner. Omvendt gør god kodekvalitet it-løsninger nemme at fejlsøge, opdatere og vedligeholde […]
Understand Phishing
"On the 9th of October, we dive into the details of some phishing techniques and countermeasures deployed on the Internet to mitigate these - and more sophisticated - attacks.Besides getting […]
Google H/W Event
"Join us at Shape for food and drinks, as Google introduces the new line of Pixel phones as well as other devices Made By Google. We are very excited to […]
Unix signals – Malmö.rb
"Get cozy with Unix signals during October's Malmo.rb meetup.Our good neighbor Stephen Best of Copenhagen.rb will explain and expound on the subject.We still have room for a second talk during […]
Science & Cocktails: Plan(t)s for the future
"Eat your vegetables boys and girls! Why are plants amazing organisms? What are the health benefits of broccoli and red cabbage? How do plants interact with their surroundings? Is mustard […]