Skalering og eksponentiel vækst
"Lær af dem der krydsede kløften til massemarkedet. Hvad så de? Og hvad har de lært til næste gang? Hvordan ser DNA’et ud for de succesfulde vækstvirksomheder?• Eksponentielt salg, hvordan?• […]
How PA Consulting can be startups partner in solving corporates Fintech challenges – Breakfast session
"Are you looking to partner or sell to a large corporate within the financial services? Odds are that they are a client at PA Consulting, so come join this breakfast […]
[Rune Ibsen] F# – hvorfor, hvordan og til hvad?
"F# er et funktionsorienteret programmeringssprog udviklet af Microsoft for .NET. I denne præsentation fortæller Rune ud fra sine praktiske erfaringer om, hvad F# er, hvorfor han og hans kolleger er […]
The Role of Global Agility Coaching – SOLID Soft Skills
"The Role of Global Agility Coaching (GAC) in a VUCA* WorldThe speed of change and interactivity of today´s world drive people and organizations to their limits. But what are the human factors […]
Adopting HashiStack from POC to Production Hashicorp Skåne
"Every day running existing applications or planning architecture of the new ones we have to choose tools that will provision, secure, connect and run the software to sustain the business. […]
Webpack in a nutshell – MalmöJS
"As a JavaScript developer, Webpack is one of those final bosses that you have to defeat to obtain the glory and the praise of an almighty packer. It is often misunderstood, […]
Impact of ML on medical science
"Machine Learning is revolutionizing our daily existence. If there is an area, in which we wish to reap the benefits of using ML, that is definitely medicine.The advancement in the […]
“What is The Family?” by Oussama Ammar
"Join us for a 45-min talk + Q&A from The Family's co-founder Oussama Ammar to understand what is The Family, how we're fighting Continental Europe's toxicity & what are the […]