
CoDe Café in Allerød – all day gathering
"Bring your laptop! We will be hacking code.It's free to attend, Breakfast, coffee during the day, dinner in the evening. It's all taken care of.Program0830 Doors open, come anytime, we'll […]
Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?
"The road from birth to growth and success of life sciences start-ups is delicate and filled with challenges. Focusing on what it takes to make it, this post-workday meeting looks […]
Life sciences entrepreneurship in Denmark: What does it take to make it?
"The road from birth to growth and success of life sciences start-ups is delicate and filled with challenges. Focusing on what it takes to make it, this post-workday meeting looks […]
Virtualisering: Danske Google-stjerner med nyt programmeringssprog
"Den danske datalog Lars Bak er internationalt berømmet for at skrive kode, der er effektiv og pålidelig. Sammen med kollegaen Kasper Lund gennemgår han sit nyeste programmeringssprog TOIT understøttet af […]
Foodtech Solutions: An Open Source Community
"Come and join us for an evening where we dive deep into the technology behind the Growstack open source platform.The grow system consists of a hardware (mechanics, electronics, high pressure […]
Build a dapp, deploy it with the loom network or just join and code with us
"We will code around the cryptozombies.io tutorial together. It allows for building a dapp creating both smart contracts and a javascript frontend during a short timeframe.We will make three groups.1. […]
VR Game, Location Based VR Experiences and Props @ Bolverk Games
"Hi xR Pioneers,Joins us for 3 xR talks, demo incl. physical ballista, networking, drinks, snacks and see Denmarks largest VR game studio.Talks from 5 PM. Doors open at 4.30 PMVR-TECH: […]
Hardcore Learning – ConTest
"How do you find time, motivation and enjoyment in educating yourself in your own leisure time?In 2017, I spent roughly 500 hours learning outside of my full time job. And […]