
Breakfast Brief – News from tech giants: Google and Apple.
"Curious about what the tech giants Google and Apple are up to?We have sent Jaywayers to Google I/O and will be at Apple's WWDC to find out what the next big thing is!Join us […]
Gå-hjem-møde: Automatisér din virksomhed
"Automatisering er det nye sort - og med god grund. Virksomheder som gentænker og automatiserer processer, kan eliminere spildte timer og få mere fokuserede medarbejdere.Alle virksomheder fra start-ups, til mellem- […]
Copenhagen Tableau User Group
"Do you want to find out how DFDS is changing into a data driven organization? Join us for the upcoming Tableau User Group meetup and learn about different perspectives of […]
CPH Female Entrepreneurs – Co-working afternoon for creatives
3 Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Female-Entrepreneurs/events/251529038/
Vælg Den Rigtige Virksomhedsform
"Workshoppen gennemgår en konkrete problemstillinger, hvor deltagerne kan byde ind med løsninger. Der tages udgangspunkt i de problemstillinger, som deltagerne selv har oplevet.Workshoppen kommer rundt om:Valg af selskabsformOptagelse af medejere […]
Getting started with R – Hands On Data Science
"Are you ready to apply your data science and machine learning skills to read world challenges? Are you interested in collaborating and sharing knowledge with similar minded people?Of course you are!Hands-on […]