
Everything Windows User Group Meeting, June 2018
"We are excited to announce our "1806" event and we are looking forward to welcome you to meet with fellow IT Pros and peers.We have some great speakers and sessions […]
Preseed Academy. Founders and teams – how to get the right mix for your startup
"How do I set the right team for my startup journey?Ask any serial entrepreneur what the most important element is for a startup to succeed, and they will most likely […]
How to be GDPR compliant
"This is a group for anyone interested in the General Data Protection Regultaion (GDPR). We discuss practical ideas and processes in order to help get GDPR compliant. This meetup if […]
Scaling Agile and Having Fun in a Highly Regulated Industry
"Tonight’s speakers are Thomas Clemen Støvelbæk from 3Shape and Jens Østergaard founder of House of Scrum. Program• 17:00 Doors open• 17:15 Welcome by 3Shape and GOTO CPH• 17:30 Thomas Clemen […]
June Ruby Meetup – Hack Night
"Hello Everyone, Hack Night is an informal evening. Bring your laptop. The idea is that small groups will talk together and share tips and suggestions to programming challenges. Please sign […]
Laravel 1 & 101 – Laravel Skåne
"Now it is finally time to gather the people in the southern parts of Sweden for a Laravel Meetup.We have earlier had meetups in Stockholm and also Gothenburg had its […]
Multi mentor meeting – HackYourFuture & CoderDojo
"Mentor meeting for HackYourFuture and CoderDojo. Come if you are a mentor or is interested inbecoming one. Agenda17:30 - 17:45 meet and greet17:45 - 18:10 Get to know more about user groups […]
Building your elevator pitch using LEGO® Serious Play® method
"- Explore who you are at your core today and what is important for you- Build and improve your elevator pitch- Explore and learn to clearly define your unique value […]