
How Can Startups Embrace Influencer Marketing?
"Embracing influencer marketing is a great way for startups to get their message heard. The good news is working with influencers doesn’t have to swallow the entire budget. You can […]
Masters of AI and Machine Learning 2018 (by Bilagscan)
"We’ll get together and discuss what’s new in AI and machine learning, we’ll get access to a few pretty extraordinary brains and lastly, but definitely not least, we’ll enjoy some […]
Kvinder der Styrker 2018
"Vidste du, at tech-branchen har stort fokus på at få flere kvinder ind i virksomhederne? Og savner du selv inspiration til nye muligheder for din karriere? Så deltag i konferencen […]
Practical Machine Learning: Start using ML at your company tomorrow
"If you are working in or interested in Machine Learning, this event is all about using practical machine learning techniques and how you can start using them at your company […]
First steps with Drone CI
"Hey Drone.io users,Let's gather before the summer break!It's going to be a small event, focusing on meeting each other and hearing about each other's experiences with the Drone.io CI platform.As […]
Human amortality. Science fiction or becoming science fact within our lives?
"As opposed to immortality, meaning unable to die, amortality is used to refer to being age resistant. Some predict that as technology advances, especially biotechnology, we will reach a time […]