
Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast MALMÖ – Monday June 11th
"Join us for the last family-style breakfast at Minc before we take a break over the summer!Coffee and mingle from 7.30 am, breakfast at 8 and then you're ready and […]
Cluedin – learn how to start, grow and fund a machine learning startup
"Learn how to start, grow and fund a machine learning startup!Machine learning and AI is the future, and many founders and startups are looking into the area. Cluedin is a […]
The Ultimate C# meetup with Mads Torgersen and Jon Skeet
"Jon and Mads are both hopelessly caught up in C#, and it seems to be all they ever talk about. (Well, and dates, but not in the interesting sense.) What’s […]
Rails Girls Copenhagen – Project Group
"There are learners and mentors. The mentors can help out with questions." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Rails-Girls-Copenhagen/events/250406148/
The State of Communities 2018
"Communities have become the most important social units of our lives. Co-matter asked 150 community experts from around the world what makes communities thrive this year.The research resulted in 10 […]
101 Docker and Kubernetes – DevOps Skåne
"Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes for newbies. What is Docker? What is the difference between Docker and VM? Concept of image, container and registry. What is container orchestration, and how […]