
Startup Live!
A great place to meet the Malmö startup scene."Startup Live! is the night we gather the whole startup family to tell stories, celebrate with each other and find new ways […]
Startup Live
It's big and it's a lot of fun. Price: Free Link: http://www.malmostartups.com/
Meet Nir Mashkowski, Azure Functions, App Service – Skåne Azure User Group
"We are honored to have Nir Mashkowski from Microsoft visiting us. Nir is the Director of Program Management for the Azure Functions and Azure App Service team. Nir has been […]
Terminsavslutning med hackathon, öppet för vuxna – CoderDojo Malmö
"Coder Dojo är en återkommande aktivitet där barn i åldrarna 7-17 lär sig programmera. Terminens sista gång öppnar vi upp för vuxna och tar del i ett hackathon där vi […]
Developing secure software, how hard can it be?
"Developing secure software at scale is a multifaceted challenge. It ranges all the way from detailed technical aspects such as picking a good password hash function to software engineering cultural […]
Copenhagen Cocoa – Peer Lab – 2018, 4th Event
"Come and join other developers for a peer-based collaborative learning lab. You've got a question? Maybe someone can provide you with some insight. Maybe you can help someone else with […]