
Scrum Day 2018
"Welcome to our next Scrum Day Denmark event! This event will be our largest event so far - more than 200 attendees and several international speakers. And as always, it […]
Benefits of an Agile Future – Democratizing modern technology for strategy
"Experience the near and long term, future way of working.Accelerated innovation is on the way of democratizing artificial intelligence for businesses around the world to grow business agility, future thinking, […]
The Game Industry in Southern Sweden
"Join us at STUDIO Malmö on the 28 May to gain a better understanding of the Games Industry in southern Sweden and of investments in Swedish Games companies at this event organised by […]
Alla kan koda, en introduktion i Scratch för vuxna CoderDojo Malmö
"Var med på en introduktionskurs i Scratch och lär dig grunderna i programmering. Mer information kommer" Price: Free Event Language: Swedish Link: http://www.foocafe.se/malmoe/events/1814-alla-kan-koda-en-introduktion-i-scratch-for-vuxna
Terminsavslutning med hackathon, öppet för vuxna – CoderDojo Malmö
"Coder Dojo är en återkommande aktivitet där barn i åldrarna 7-17 lär sig programmera. Terminens sista gång öppnar vi upp för vuxna och tar del i ett hackathon där vi […]
Serverless Java
"There are a couple of definitions out there for what serverless is or isn't. One of them being as stateless compute containers that only last for one invocation. This is […]
Ladies that UX: Sharing Circle & BBQ
"Ladies, are you ready for the final event of the season?We'll fire up a grill or two and pull out ketchup and the likes.It's bring your own food and drinks, […]