
Åbning af Forskningens Døgn 2018: Hackerne kommer!
"Vi har alle hørt om hackere – men hvem er hackerne egentlig, hvordan arbejder de, og hvilken trussel udgør de mod privatpersoner, virksomheder og nationalstater? Bliv klogere, når Forskningens Døgn […]
Tech Talk#15: Beyond the Hype -Humanity & Ethic in AI & Robotics
"Artificial Intelligence is on everyone’s lips! At this 15th Tech Talk we’ll investigate how cutting through the hype of AI and robotics can create opportunities for your startup or corporate […]
CopenhagenJS April
"Let us get together and talk about JavaScript and what cool things we can do with it!Schedule:1700 Doors open1745 Welcome1800 100 tests per second - 40 releases per week by […]
Ontologies helping to keep global warming in check
"Ontologies in computer science are formalized descriptions of knowledge domains. They are similar in purpose to database schemas of relational databases, but with higher emphasis on meaning of the concepts […]
The Dive Series #1 – “How to Create a Mind”
"DareDisrupt welcomes you to the first edition of our Dive Series; an exclusive evening where we dive deep into a technology subject that matters for the future. The Dive Series […]