
OpenStack Meetup Denmark #4 – New release and Storage
"We have a great lineup of talks scheduled for the entire year, and we are really looking forward to kicking off with the first meetup of 20181300 Welcome1315 Introduction of […]
Nexus – Scrum i større teams
"Mødet er for dig, hvis du arbejder med Scrum i en større organisation og har brug for at systematisere/forbedre samarbejdet imellem flere scrum teams, der arbejder på det samme produkt. […]
Coding Café for kvinder
"Coding Café er for dig, der overvejer at søge ind på en bachelor i Softwareudvikling, men måske er i tvivl om, hvad softwareudvikling egentlig er, eller hvad det vil sige […]
Designing for Natural Interfaces: Voice (Lecture + Dinner ticket)
"SPACE10 is pleased to present ‘Designing for Natural Interfaces: Voice’—our second event in a new series of lectures that aims to be a leading forum for debate and discussion about […]
WOW! Learn Ansible Automation with Red Hat – DevOps Skåne
"Get an hands on primer for how to use Ansible to deliver automation in a multi tiered world that keeps on changing.Learn the basics, learn how to write a playbook, […]
DevOps Skåne – WOW! Learn Ansible automation with Red Hat.
"BIO:Solution Architect at Red Hat with a focus on Cloud technology. Based in Malmö.Magnus is an automation and cloud specialist and a Red Hat Certified Engineer with close to +15 […]