
Welcome to CDUG – What’s new in the datacenter world
"We would like to welcome everybody to join our first CDUG.dk event, this event will mainly focus on Windows Server and PowerShell since we have a upcoming Azure Global Bootcamp […]
Clojure Deep Graph QL and core.spec
"Graph QL and core.specBeer and food when we are done." Price: Free Link: https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Clojure-Meetup/events/248310952/
Beyond Blockchain – Hashgraph, first Nordic meetup
"This first Nordic Meetup to be held in Malmö, Sweden - An introduction to Hashgraph. The event is sponsored by Consid AB, one of Sweden's fastest growing companies which provides […]
ScrumMaster Clinics CPH
"What are ScrumMaster Clinics?It's a health check for newly practicing ScrumMasters. The clinic is a place to come to share your struggles, offer ideas, listen and learn, and become rejuvenated […]
Le Wagon: Intro to git & Github
"If you're a curious soul interested in coding, you've probably heard of Github. It's an awesome resource allowing millions of developers to share code and collaborate on amazing projects together. […]