
Pier47 Sessions: IoT as innovation driver
"We live in an increasingly connected world. After the dust of the first hype, Internet of Things (IoT) still holds massive promise as the network that connects our digital devices. […]
APIs for Banking and Fintech
"We’re partnering with Copenhagen Fintech to offer a unique exploration of APIs for open banking and the financial technology sector. It’s a full day event starting off with a 3 hour workshop on OAuth and OpenID Connect […]
Konference: Bridging the gap between students and the corporate world
"Kære venner og medlemmer af ØICC,Du inviteres hermed til ØICCs konference om studenter innovation. Her vil vi forsøge at finde svar på spørgsmål som: Hvordan forbinder man de studerende med […]
REBBLS Beers with Peers: ‘Heal the World’
"A closer look at precision medicine role in the UN's SDG #3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. " Price: Free Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefke0e3stTdHNQxPB6hKI7jpuiAynnanS9wYIOD8NLnZYc3Q/viewform
Bits & Beers: Maritime
"IdemoLab has partnered with Pier47 in anticipation of our Design Smart Products event (31.05 & 01.06) with a focus on sustainable maritime transport & logistics. This Bits & Beers will […]
CopenhagenJS March at Saxobank
"This time we are so kindly hosted by Saxobank. It is a super cool venue and there should be space for the community! So big thank you to Saxobank! Schedule1700 […]
SPBG ERFA møde omkring No-code solution (PowerApps, Flow)
"Kom til SPBG erfa møde torsdag den 22. marts, i København, og mød Niels Gregers Johansen. Niels er Technical Lead - Collaborations Tools: SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Directory hos […]
Kops + Terraform + AWS = k8s cluster! + Basic Vault – Hashicorp Skåne
"Kops + terraform + AWS = k8s cluster!Nowadays "infrastructure as code" has allowed us to automate almost any operation related to our cloud resources. One of the advantages is creating […]
Why Wait? Creating C++17 Polyfills
"We all want to be able to use the latest and greatest features of the C++ standard library, but unfortunately many projects are locked to specific language versions by the […]
Hands on DevOps: infra testing and security scanning
"This time it’s all about technical, hands-on devops! The first session is about automatic infrastructure testing. We’ll start with an overview, followed by best practices and then a short hands-on […]
Tech Entrepreneurs Afterwork Afterwork
"For this month's afterwork we have picked the location long considered to be the favorite watering-hole of the local tech industry - the seaside tavern known as Green Lion.This is […]
REST API – Copenhagen Trustpilot’s approach to testing and monitoring APIs
"Trustpilot is going to tell us how their API testing and monitoring is handled in a fast growing environment. Trustpilot has a very interesting way to make sure that the […]