
Digitale dilemmaer: Hvordan forandrer data den offentlige sektor?
The public sector also needs good ideas."Hvordan forandrer digitaliseringen det offentliges arbejdsvilkår, og hvilke muligheder og faldgruber er der ved at anvende data som styringsværktøj? Få indblik i ny forskning […]
Live Growth Hacking
"With Marketing Expert Kim Døfler from Trigger Growth "Let's amplify Success" Join us for a Growth Hacking session where we will dive into how you can grow your business through […]
Applying for Venture Cup? Get all your questions answered!
"Stop by SCIENCE Innovation Hub Tuesday the 13th of March for Open Hub, where Venture Cup Denmark will come by and answer all of you questions about the Venture Cup […]
Copenhagen Coding Dojo: Our first session
"Our group and topics should be community driven, so this is a nice opportunity to get to know each other and to decide what future sessions should be about. To […]
Join interesse-netværk om GDPR
"Arbejder du med compliance, udvikling eller drift af systemer, som rummer personfølsomme data?Så kom til IDA IT’s første netværksmøde, hvor vi deler viden og erfaringer med at leve op til […]
Copenhagen Elixir & Erlang Meet Up; Deployment
"At this meet up we will have a presentation by Troels Brødsgaard on the topic of deployment.We have time for an extra presentation, so get in contact if you have […]