
Low Power Conference 2018
"Welcome to the Low Power Conference 2018 This is the first of hopefully many opportunities to bring together individuals and companies working with hardware, embedded and software systems around the […]
DIKU Bits: Graph Algorithms and Data Structures: From navigating road maps to finding the cheapest communication network
"SpeakerChristan Wulff-Nilsen, Associate Professor in the APL SectionAbstractOur society faces the challenge of dealing with data sets of such size that Moore's law alone is unable to keep up. The […]
Tribe Talks #1: How to build customer empowered Fintech
"We invite you to an evening of fintech with two different perspectives: startups and large companiesHow are customers' needs shifting in relation to banking services?How can the financial industry change […]
KPH // Ballast præsenterer: Launch af synssimulatoren Ballast AR
"Vores første digitale synssimulator er endelig færdig, og det vil vi rigtig gerne fejre. Derfor er du inviteret med til dette launchparty, hvor vi vil præsentere den digitale synssimulator.Prøv det […]
Venture Cup Speed Matching
"Speed Matching is an event addressed to startups and mentors who are interested in a 6-month mentorship. At the event, every startup pitches for 2 minutes in front of an […]