
EU midler og internationale investeringer til startups
"Er jeres startup interesseret i at høre om muligheden for at søge EU midler eller tiltrække internationale investorer?Konsulenthusene Toro Ventures og Inspiralia har i oktober 2017 åbnet op for sine […]
Celebrating International Women’s Day
"March 8th is officially set aside for International Women’s Day In celebrating this day, SmiLe Incubator will celebrate its first International Women’s Day. The event will celebrate, empower, and support […]
Tech Talk #14: Gamify your company to customer interaction
"Tech Talk #14 will be focused on how the application of game elements can help motivate customers and users to interact and engage. On stage at Tech Talk #14: Gamify your […]
Preseed Academy – Startup talk with Thor Angelo and Nicolaj Højer
"Learn how to come from idea to a successful business with serial-entrepreneur Thor AngeloThor Angelo co-founded LanguageWire in year 2000, and grew that from an idea in a Powerpoint into […]