
SMWCPH – Sæt den grønne dagsorden og opbyg stærke communities
"Bæredygtighed er efterhånden på alles læber, og det er ingen hemmelighed, at forbrugerne i stigende grad efterspørger brands, som indtager tydelige positioner og dedikerer sig til god en sag.Men hvordan […]
SMWCPH – Facebook annoncering for begyndere og let øvede
"På dette kursus får du en introduktion til de mange spændende muligheder, du har, når du annoncerer på Facebook.Måske har du aldrig før prøvet at annoncere på Facebook. Måske har […]
The Future of People@Work
"Join us February 28th where we'll be joined by HR leads from Microsoft, SKAT, Leo Pharma, Actimo and Bloch & Østergaard to dig into emerging trends in people management, shifting […]
Kick-off: Succes som madiværksætter
"Markedet for madoplevelser og fødevarer er i rivende udvikling! Det giver nye muligheder for iværksættere, som tænker kreativt og forstår hvad der skal til for at få succes. Greater Copenhagen […]
Build your landing page from Scratch – Free Workshop
"This is a FREE coding workshop on HTML & CSS for absolute beginners. Together we will explore the world of web development, teach you to code and design your own […]
Playing CTF for fun and EXP – SecuriTea
"Reading, hearing and talking about security is fun! But what about the practical element to it?Especially if you do not feel ready to throw yourself into the big world of […]
Deep Learning in text and audio
"2 talks:1) Extracting information from documents with deep learning - Rasmus Berg PalmScanned invoice in, digital semantic invoice out. Easy? Not so much. Especially if you want it to work […]
ProductTank Copenhagen – Siteimprove
"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Siteimprove, and you will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers. Agenda:• Sandwich/drinks• Intro• Talk/Theme• Open Space• Networking ProductTank is for […]