
Intro to Git & Github
"If you're a curious soul interested in coding, you've probably heard of Github. It's an awesome resource allowing millions of developers to share code and collaborate on amazing projects together. […]
Using R to Examine Funnel Plot Publication Bias
"We talk about R+PBI plots in our previous meetup. In this meetup, we will discuss about FUNNEL PLOTS using R and PowerBI. • Function to examine publication bias. For both […]
Continuous Delivery Pipeline in Google Cloud with Kubernetes and Jenkins
"Johan will hold a hands-on presentation on how to achieve fully automated continuous deployment in Google Cloud using Kubernetes and Jenkins. This will provide technological freedom for developers both when […]
Balanced security in Industrial Control Systems – SecuriTea
"Process networks and industrial control systems are today more and more crucial in your everyday life. But as these systems, for efficiency and support reasons, get more and more connected […]