
Nytårskur og millennials
"Millennials og de digitale indfødte - myte eller realitet? Hvad er anderledes ved dem og hvorfor? Hvordan skal de håndteres, hvis de da skal det? Er der nogen teori, der […]
Listing on Nasdaq First North
"Capital raising is an ever present topic on the agenda of growth businesses.The market for smaller listings in Denmark has been stagnant, but this changed in 2017 where, among others, […]
How to become a real-life data scientist
"Hello R-Ladies community! We are ready to kick-start our local chapter of R-Ladies! Come along and feel free to bring a friend (or 2!) to find out what R-Ladies is […]
Reinventing Organizations — Open Space – Teal for Teal
"More and more companies let go of command and control-leadership and explore ways to allow for a more agile, humane and innovative organisation. What are your experiences? What questions need […]
ProductTank Copenhagen – Trustpilot – Software Focus
"ProductTank Copenhagen will visit Trustpilot, and you will have the opportunity to meet up with well-known and new product managers.This ProductTank will be specifically about software. AGENDA:• Sandwich/drinks• Intro• Talk/Theme: Experimenting for […]