"Blame It on the Robot: Rethinking Liability Rules for Robot Harms"
3. april 2019 @ 06:45 - 08:00
“Paula Casadesus is a visiting researcher at the CILCC center, and is originally carrying out her research at the University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca (Spain). Her research focuses on the liability for the damages caused by robots. She tries to identify where the applicable law might fail to regulate robots’ harmful actions and the difficulties and challenges of establishing a new legal framework that fits the unique characteristics of AI machines.”Paula will firstly analyze the concept of “smart autonomous robots”. Secondly, She will talk about the applicable law and will explain some of the challenges it may face when it…”
Price: Free
Link: https://jura.ku.dk/english/digitalisationhub/calendar/2019/tech-and-law-breakfast-april-2019/