Terms and conditions
‘My account’ page
Logon information cannot be used by others outside of the company. We reserve the right to cancel the subscription with immediate effect and demand compensation for any loss caused by violation of the agreement. No compensation will be given in case of a remaining period which might have been paid.
Price- and subscription changes
We can from time to another change the subscription and the price. However, any subscription- or price changes will at the earliest go into effect from 30 days after you are given notice by e-mail. Subscriptions that are sold in connection with a campaign will after the expiration of the campaign follow the valid price list.
Payment information
We charge you for your subscription annually. The withdrawment will automatically happen on the calendar day equivalent to the start date of the subscription. Before we charge you anything for the subscription, you will receive an advising email from us. If any payment cannot be drawn because of expiration, insufficient funds etc. we can suspend your access to Bootstrapping Pro until we receive valid payment information. You give us access to continue withdrawing the amount with any given updates and you xxxx for any non-withdrawn amounts. Your next payment date can be found under ‘my subscription’ where it is also possible to edit payment information.
Duration and cancellation
On agreeing to the subscription agreement, we send you a confirmation by email. The subscription is forth running until it is cancelled. The subscription is binding for 12 months at a time and can be cancelled before next payment date. You will receive a warning e-mail from us before next automatic withdrawment, so you can make a decision on whether you continually want to be a subscriber. The subscription can be cancelled on phone +45 33 42 21 60 or by email to info@bootstrapping.dk.
Complaint and compensation
In case of complaint we kindly ask you to, in short time after any shortcoming is discovered to contact Bootstrapping on phone +45 33 42 21 60 or info@bootstrapping.dk. Lack of digital access will not be reimbursable.
No warranty
There is no warranty and return policy with a purchase of Bootstrapping Pro.
Force majeure
Bootstrapping is not obliged to give compensation and will not account for any lacking delivery of the product, if the lacking delivery is due to force majeure (war, weather conditions etc.).
Bootstrapping er ikke erstatningsansvarlig over for tabt fortjeneste eller andre indirekte tab eller følgeskader, der skyldes anvendelse eller manglende mulighed for at anvende indholdet i dit abonnement.
Limitation of liability
Bootstrapping is not liable towards any lost profits or other indirect losses or injuries caused by using or lack of use of the content in your subscription.
Information on subscribers are kept and treated confidentially for any later use in accordance to legislation. The information is primarily used in connection to the delivery of products, but it can also be used for internal use in improving our products. The information will be deleted, if it is requested.
Proprietary Rights
The contents of the subscription are protected by law and cannot be copied or distributed to persons outside of the company. Digital contents are available for reading for the employees of the company. Any other use of the content of the subscription requires a written permission from Bootstrapping.
Gammel Kongevej 3E, 4. sal
1610 Copenhagen V
CVR no.: 21588709
Editor in Chief Marianne Kristensen Schacht.: +45 31 64 11 04
E-mail: info@bootstrapping.dk