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AI Use Cases Happening in Business Today

"This event is for companies and anyone who as a commercial interest in AI. We cut through the hype and identify valid use cases of applied AI. Learn from core Danish […]

Product Ownership @ Scale

"Organizations commonly invest a considerable amount of time, people and resources in their product delivery teams and infrastructure. In our experience, the effort expended on the Product organization is often […]

Reactive Programming with Spring

"Reactive programming is all the rage nowadays and its non-blocking, low memory and CPU footprint is appealing in a world where we need more response systems and higher data throughput. […]

Brain Hacks for Software Developers

"I’ve been reading a lot on psychology and team dynamics. Over the years I have used that knowledge to experiment on myself and my surroundings to find better ways of […]

Pursuing an IPO with Thomas Johansen, CFO at Netcompany

"Why does a company decide to go public, and what opportunities and challenges does an IPO's fulfilment entail?To answer these questions, CBS Trading has invited Thomas Johansen, the CFO of […]

10 år UX Book Club

"- Velkommen & Intro: Stifter af bogklubben Ole Gregersen- Oplæsning af deltagere: Vælg et uddrag fra en hvilken som helst bog, som har inspireret dig i dit arbejdsliv. (valgfrit) - Bog-Bingo: med præmiebord (valgfrit) […]