April is Shiny!

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4. april 2019 @ 15:30 - 18:30

!Spring is here! That means this month is all about all things Shiny (if that makes sense)!We have two speakers who are regulars on the R-Ladies Copenhagen circuit, Diana Lucatero and Ivana Hybenova. Special thanks go to Deloitte Risk Advisory for sponsoring this event!Talk 1: Data science – from academia to industryIn this lighting talk, Diana will share her experience deploying advanced analytics in academia & industry with the main focus being the differences in communication & security considerations. The talk will include:(1) A very introductory sketch of shiny (what it is and why)(2) A hands on…”

Price: Free

Link: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-copenhagen/events/259386566/


4. april 2019
15:30 - 18:30
Deloitte Horizon, Njalsgade 21G, Ground Floor, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark

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